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Daily Reports

Daily Distributions Report

The Cboe Daily Distributions Report contains corporate actions categorized as distributions as they are confirmed by Cboe Listings and the listed company. Distributions will appear on this report from the day they are announced until the day the distribution has completed. Examples of corporate actions that are published in this report are new dividends and stock splits.

There are no daily distribution reports in October, 2024 for the BZX market.


Cboe disseminates three daily reports containing corporate action information for issues listed on the BZX Exchange. All reports are available at approximately 7:00 p.m. ET and published in a pipe-delimited (“|”) text format. Please see the Corporate Actions Specifications document for additional details.

Cboe offers three ways to receive these daily reports.

Download From Our Website

FTP Server

Go to Under the "bzx-equities" folder, you will find access to the three reports. Use the credentials listed below:

  • Username: anonymous
  • Password: leave blank

Sign Up for Email Alerts

To receive one of the three daily reports, email [email protected] with the following information and we will add you to our distribution list:

  • Name
  • Company
  • Email Address
  • Reports you would like to receive