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Use of Cboe Content

In order to use any Cboe logo, data, photo/image or other content contained in Cboe websites (collectively "Cboe Content"), you must receive approval in advance from Cboe. To formally request approval, you must:

  1. Submit a Request to Use Cboe Content to Cboe (see below); and
  2. Wait for Cboe to review and respond to your request. Cboe will typically review and respond to requests within five business days, but is under no obligation to respond within that time frame.

If Cboe approves your request, such approval will be contingent upon your execution of a license agreement. You are not approved to use Cboe Content until a license agreement has been signed by both you and Cboe.

Request to Use Cboe Content

In order to use any Cboe Content, you must receive approval in advance from Cboe. To request approval, send an e-mail to [email protected] with the following information clearly defined:

  1. Exact name, title, organization and complete contact information (including e-mail address) of the person requesting permission;
  2. A detailed explanation of how you intend to use and display the Cboe Content;
  3. Screenshots, samples, and/or links that demonstrate how and where the Cboe Content will be displayed, if applicable;
  4. Distribution plans - where the Cboe Content is expected to appear and estimated circulation (hits per month, copies mailed out, number of subscribers, etc.);
  5. The length of time you intend to use and display the Cboe Content; and
  6. Any other information that might be relevant in deciding whether to approve or not approve your request.

Cboe will typically review and respond to requests within five business days, but is under no obligation to respond within that time frame.

Submitting a Request to Use Cboe Content in no way grants or implies permission to use Cboe Content in any form.